Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5 Reasons Why to Start A Home based Online Business

5 Reasons Why to Start A Home based Online Business

After years of driving back and forth to work; Countless hours stuck in traffic; Hundreds of missed family functions; and spending day after day working for someone I didn't like, doing what I didn't want to do; I knew there had to be a better way.

If you feel like I do, developing a home based online business may be the ultimate solution you've been looking for. I've found five basic, but very important reasons why an online home based business can be the perfect solution to the day job blues.

1) Time: In most jobs, we wind up trading hours for dollars. Our income is limited by the number of hours we can work. Our only solution to make more money is to get a raise or work more hours.

If you choose to sell a product online, the internet works for you 24/7. While I was sleeping last night, someone in Australia bought a product and I made money. Your income is no longer limited to time.

2) Freedom: If you work for someone, you have to be at you place of work 5 days a week. Flexibility is not something most employers understand. Also you are limited to where you can live. The further from the job, the longer your commute.

Your Online business operates from the comfort and convenience of your own home. In addition, if you like to travel, you can make money anywhere you have a computer and internet connection.

3) Income Potential: Most jobs and professions, even Doctors, have limits on their income potential. Even self employed professionals can only charge so much before your customers go somewhere else.

An online business opens you up to unlimited income potential. Not only are you no longer limited by Time, you are no longer limited by potential customers or products. Your income potential it truly unlimited.

4) Enjoyment and Quality of life: Very few people have a job which is their passion in life. The vast majority of employees work ONLY for the pay check. This leads to boredom and depression.

The online community is so vast; almost everyone can develop a business from their passions, loves and experience. That old adage: "do what you love and the money will follow", has never been so true as with an online business. Imagine developing a product you can sell on the internet that came from your passions. Your work would be your joy.

5) Low Start Up Costs: Of course, every business requires an investment in time and money. An online business is no different. The costs in developing an online business is a tiny fraction of a real "brick and mortar" business.

Your gateway is your computer and internet connection. Your investment will be in knowledge. Use the internet to obtain the knowledge, confidence and experience. You will learn fastest by doing. Buy products and education which gives you specific knowledge to obtain your goals.